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Cultural Dynamics Beyond Globalized Networks

The work of this transdisciplinary Research Training Group (RTG) focuses primarily on practices of connecting and excluding. In globalised networks, the ability to connect and remain connected is essential for anyone seeking to fully participate in social life. This RTG is interested in the ‘counterside’ of participation programmes across a host of networks including the media, society, the economy, politics, law, art, culture, and science and scholarship, and examines aspects of exclusion inherent within the practices of connecting in globalised networks. Our research focuses on practices of local particularisation which demonstrably exist beyond the ideal of a global standard and network. These develop in a space beyond customary national and cultural boundary lines and a priori historical periods, which are crucial for defining different concepts of modernity.

Its approach sees it act as a crucible in which a range of disciplines including art, media and cultural studies can combine with philosophy, ethnology, comparative cross-cultural studies and creative and artistic practice. It acts as a meeting point for a broad range of expertise covering locations of interest from the last two hundred years in Europe, East and Southeast Asia, North and South America, and sub-Saharan Africa and Arabia. By examining divergent concepts of culture and definitions arising from local practices of connecting and excluding, the RTG seeks to identify a new transdisciplinary approach for observing the interrelationship between participation and dissidence which is designed around processual action and dialogicity. The comparison of processes of historical change and various global, regional and local spaces raises issues of power, participation, autonomy and heteronomy and reveals the fragmented perception and symbolic narrativization of the world.

The RTG is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Funding period: October 2021 to March 2026.

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